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Technical Support Program (TSP)


The great challenge for the coming decades will be to increase food production with less water, particularly in countries with limited water and land resources. The effective and sustainable use of water for agriculture has become a global priority of vital importance, requiring urgent and immediate solutions in view of intensifying competition. The importance of Capacity Development for attaining sustainable developments in irrigation, drainage and flood management sectors is fully understood. The consensus among policy-makers in the developing world is that a lack of capacity is constraining the development of irrigated agriculture. Although this concern is not new, it is now receiving much attention in the irrigation and drainage world, where it is becoming an issue in its own right due to the increasing complexities of development, multi-disciplinary nature sustainable solutions, the close linkages between water-food-energy, rapid changes in the irrigation and drainage sector, the need to bring together various stakeholders who might not necessarily be experts. Moreover many countries are facing shortage of qualified technical persons


Technical Support Program


The National Committees of ICID have expressed the need for professional guidance and support from ICID in initiating certain studies and activities. In order to meet this requirement a Technical Support Program is established by ICID. The objective of the Program will be to:


“Undertake capacity development activities in the field of agriculture water management (AWM) in support of rural development”.


Technical Support Programme will be implemented by the Technical Support Unit (TSU) which was set up vide ICID notification no. 1/2016 under WG-CDTE with the approval of the International Executive Council (IEC) at its 66th meeting held on 16 October 2015 at Montpellier, France vide IEC Resolution 3/66. keeping in view the need of capacity building, education and awareness of technical staff working in the field of agriculture water management.


The scope of work and expected outputs/deliverables of TSP are as follows:


(a) Support the member countries in:

  1. general assessment of gaps in AWM capacities within the countries and suggest possible solutions;
  2. developing feasibility reports for small and medium irrigation, drainage and flood management proposals;
  3. training needs assessment; and
  4. undertaking capacity development programmes.

(b) Coordinate and execute capacity development programs of ICID under the overall guidance of WG-CDTE and administrative directions of the Core Group; and

(c) Develop a knowledge base of AWM with the help of ICID working groups, partner institutions and member countries.



Technical Support Unit (TSU)


The main purpose of the TSU is to support the member countries in general assessment of gaps in AWM capacities within the countries and suggest possible solutions; developing feasibility reports for small and medium irrigation, drainage and flood management proposal and undertaking assessment of training requirements.


The 66th IEC approved the concept of TSU with an overall objective to “Undertake capacity development activities in the field of agriculture water management (AWM) in support of rural development” is set up with the broad scope to:

  1. Coordinate capacity development programs of ICID;

  2. To liaise in developing a knowledge base in AWM with the help of ICID working groups, partner institutions and member countries; and

  3. To support the member countries in:

    1. general assessment of gaps in AWM capacities within the countries and suggest possible solutions
    2. developing feasibility reports for small and medium irrigation, drainage and flood management proposal,
    3. training assessment needs; and
    4. undertaking capacity development programmes

TSU, which is a sub-set of WG-CDTE consist of distributed network of expert volunteers who commit to dedicate a maximum of ten man days to the TSU activities with a coordination unit within the Central Office that would help locate these experts. In addition, Members or partner institutions would be requested to depute personnel to the coordination unit of TSU from time to time, as required.


In order to ensure smooth functioning of TSU, a ‘Capacity Development Fund’ is established and support is solicited from member countries on a voluntary basis.


President Dr. Nairizi emphasized the need for a professional guidance and support for initiating certain studies and activities to help member countries. The concept was very much appreciated and few NCs have expressed their willingness to support such an initiative.


Concept Note





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