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President Eng. Reinders

Eng. Felix Britz Reinders, South Africa

President, ICID


Eng. Felix Britz Reinders is a professional engineer with 36 years of experience in the field of Agriculture and Civil Engineering. He holds specialization in water resources management and irrigation engineering, including research, design, training and mentoring. Born in 1955, Eng. Reinders completed his Engineering studies in 1979 from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He has authored many scientific and semi-scientific papers and articles in the field of the irrigation and served on various Water Research Commission projects.  Eng. Reinders is also a visiting lecturer at UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, where he imparts knowledge on design and operation of Drip and Sprinkle irrigation systems.

Eng. Reinders has been actively involved in the establishment of the South African National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (SANCID) as a member of ICID in 1993. He served as the Vice Chairman of SANCID from 1993-1999 and as its Chairman for the period 2000-2003 and 2008-2014. Eng. Reinders was elected as Vice President of ICID for the period 2005-2008. He successfully chaired and organized the 51st IEC Meeting and 6th International Micro Irrigation in South Africa in October 2000. Under his chairmanship for the period 2008-2011, SANCID was adjudicated as the Best Performing National Committee of ICID.


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Vice Presidents

Vice President Dr. Hayashida


Er. Naoki Hayashida, Japan


Er. Naoki Hayashida has worked with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) for 36 years and engaged in the design, planning, construction, international affairs and policymaking concerning agriculture and rural development in Japan. He has knowledge and experience concerning international cooperation for agriculture and rural development which he obtained during his tenure as the Deputy Director General for International Affairs at MAFF and as the First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan and Philippines.

Er. Hayashida’s contribution to ICID activities dates back to 2002 during the 18th Congress and 58th IEC held in Montreal, Canada. He participated in various ICID Meetings (2014-2016, 2002 and 1998) and served as the President of the Japanese Association of ICID since 2014. He served as Secretary General of JNC-ICID from 2002 to 2004. In addition, Er. Hayashida actively served as a member of ASRWG and PFC of ICID since 2014. Born in 1953, Er. Hayashida completed his Bachelors in Agriculture from Kyoto University, Japan and M.Sc. from University of California Davis, C.A U.S.A. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Japanese Society of Rural Development Engineers and as Vice-President of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Engineering, which is the largest academic organization for irrigation and drainage in Japan.


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Vice President Dr. Brain Wahlin


Dr. Brian T. Wahlin, USA


Dr. Brian T. Wahlin has 23 years of experience in hydraulic engineering and water resources. Throughout his career, he has analyzed the impacts of flowing water on bridges, dams, levees and irrigation canals and has a unique blend of research and practical experience. Born in 1969, Dr. Wahlin holds Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (2002) related to automatic control of irrigation canals from Arizona State University. He has written over 50 professional papers and reports in the field of water resources, hydraulics, hydrology, and sedimentation engineering. In his career span, Dr. Wahlin has spoken in over 30 conferences and won many awards. He is currently a lead instructor for four different HEC‐RAS courses and has conducted over 50 short courses.


Dr. Wahlin has been an active member of USCID for several years, having made technical presentations during the USCID conferences, and has also chaired an USCID conference. He was an active participant during the 2nd World Irrigation Forum and a panel expert during the 23rd ICID Congress held in Mexico City in October 2017. He is currently the President of the U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (USCID) and Vice-President of WEST Consultants, Inc. managing their WEST’s Tempe, Arizona office.


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Vice President Dr. Reddy


Dr. K. Yella Reddy, India


Dr. Reddy is the Director of Water and Land Management Training and Research Institute (WALAMTARI), Hyderabad since 2012. He did his Masters (1984) and Ph.D (2002) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. Dr. Reddy has rich experience of above 30 years in teaching, research, extension, project management and administration. Under his supervision, he successfully guided the Norwegian funded "ClimaAdapt” Project implemented in Nagarjuna Sagar project area during 2012-17. Dr. Reddy has established collaboration with the international centre of excellence in water resources management (ICEWaRM), Adelaide, Australia and organized 15 Australia Award fellowships during 2016. He has organized various national and international events successfully.


He has been actively involved in ICID activities since 2008. Dr. Reddy has successfully organized two side events, during the 22nd ICID Congress held in Gwangju, South Korea in 2014 and the 2nd World Irrigation Forum held in Chiang Mai, Thailand 2016, involving WALAMTARI, FAO, Norwegian Institute of Bio-Economy and other international partners. He was also the recipient of ICID WatSave Technology Award in 2008. Since 2010, he is the Secretary of I CID's WG-Water & Crop Workbody and actively contributing to the mandate. He has contributed to a number of scientific papers, articles and technical reports.


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Dr. Marco Arcieri, Italy

Dr. Marco Arcieri is presently the Secretary General of the Italian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (ITAL-ICID). In his professional career spanning more than 20 years he has contributed to various studies and research in agricultural water management, land and water resources development, irrigation and drainage, flood prevention, drought monitoring, forecasting and mitigation. With his wide expertise he has visited around 40 countries in order to implement International research projects and to attend Advanced Professional Specialization Courses.

From 1996-2002 he worked with the Department of Crop Production in University of Basilicata, Italy as a researcher, working on aspects connected with Crop Yield and Productivity. From 2002-2006, he attended the Department of Crop Systems, Forestry and Environmental Sciences of University, Italy, wherein he completed his Ph.D.

Dr. Arcieri has been serving as a technical researcher in the Italian Ministry of Agriculture (INEA, National Institute of Economics & Agriculture), conducting several surveys in Italy and abroad. His activity has been focused on the study of social and economic characteristics of agriculture in irrigated areas, in order to provide technical assistance to farmers on irrigation, within the framework of Research Projects co-financed by EU, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Public Works.

He is the member of ICID since 2008 and was elected as Vice President of ITAL-ICID in 2011. He is also a member of the ICID Working Group on “Water and Crop” and “History.” He is being appointed by ICID as the Permanent Observer to UN Agencies FAO and IFAD. Since April 2017, he is the representative within the “Global Framework on Water Scarcity (GFWS) now WASAG - an International initiative coordinated and fostered by UN FAO to cope with water scarcity under the threat of climate change. He is also a member of the Interim Steering Committee and Focal Point for Working Group on “Sustainable Use of Water Resources” of WASAG led by ICID. Dr. Arcieri is also a member of the FAO-WWC driven initiative “Water Accounting in Agriculture” and Head of the Regional Node for the Mediterranean Area within the International Research Program for Irrigation and Drainage (IRPID) Program of ICID.


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Dr.  Kamran Emami, Iran

Dr.  Kamran Emami holds a Ph.D in Civil Engineering with 28 years of professional experience in water projects pertaining to Water Resources Management, Flood Management, Value Engineering and Water History. He is currently the Head of the Board and Managing Director with the Kurit Kara Consulting Engineers. Prior to that he was a Technical Adviser to Water and Power Development Company (1993-2007) and Senior Advisor in the Technical Office of Power Ministry, Iran (1994-2005).


Dr. Emami has a long working association with ICID and served as its Chairman in various Working Groups on Comprehensive approaches to flood management (WG-AFM); History of Irrigation and Drainage and Flood control (WG-HIST) and Task Force on Value Engineering (TF-VE). Born in 1962, Dr. Emami has conducted around 20 researches on water engineering and flood management and penned many books in Persian and English. He has contributed to around 120 technical papers with keynote lectures in various conferences and workshops. In his professional career, he has also participated as the member of scientific committee in many conferences.


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Mr. Ahmed BOUARI, Morocco

Mr. Ahmed BOUARI is presently serving as Director in the Directorate of Irrigation and Agricultural Planning (DIAE) at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development and Forests. Prior to that he was the Head of the Development Division / Directorate of Irrigation and Agricultural Land Planning from 2009-2013. Born in 1964 at Ouezzane, Morocco, Mr. BOUARI started his professional career as GR engineer in Project Coordination Unit PMH 2 financed by the World Bank. He later went on to head the office of the hydro-agricultural development works in charge of the preparation and the follow-up of rehabilitation works programs of the hydro-agricultural installations at national level.

During his administrative career, he participated in several internships, trainings programmes and seminars. He steered many projects under his able guidance and was in charge of irrigation and agricultural land planning programs at the national level including: National Program on conservation of irrigation water; Irrigation Expansion Program; Public Private Partnership Program in Irrigation; National Program for Development of rangeland. Mr. BOUARI also provided technical support to enforcement agencies to conduct studies and implementation of hydro-agricultural, land and rangeland development projects. Additionally, he is the President of the Association of Rural Engineers of Morocco (AIGR) and the Moroccan Inter-professional Irrigation Network (REMIG). He is also the Member of the International Association of 'Mediterranean Exchanges for Water, Forest and Development' headquartered in Paris.  

Mr. BOUARI has made remarkable contributions to the success of ANAFIDE activities related to ICID domain of work and has been a vital nodal point for the development of ANAFIDE missions and its cooperation with ICID over the years.


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Dr. Mochammad Amron, Indonesia


Dr. Mochammad Amron, Indonesia, a conservation and Land Reclamation Engineer completed his masters from Reading University, UK in 1981 and obtained his doctorate degree from Texas Tech University in 1993. With more than 30 years of rich experience in the irrigation and drainage sector Dr. Mochammad has been actively involved in teaching, research, assessment, extension, project management and administration. His professional journey witnessed multifarious organizations like World Bank, Indonesian Hydraulic Engineer Association, INA Global Water Partnership, and International Commission on Large Dam- Director of Certification Board. He was the former Director General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works, and Republic of Indonesia and has worked in varying capacities with the Indonesian government from 1976 to 2012.


He has been associated with ICID as an active Asian working group member and is currently serving as the Executive Director Member of Indonesian Water Partnership, Indonesian National Water Resources Council.


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Prof. Dr. Hesham Mostafa Mohamed Ali, Egypt


Dr. Hesham Mostafa, Egypt, obtained his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage, from Colorado State University, USA. He was the Former deputy chairman of the Egyptian National Committee for Irrigation and Drainage (ENCID) and the President of ENCID from 1st April 2019. He has been very active in its activities for the last 10 years. He has attended many international conferences and workshops for ICID, WIF and WWF and he was the chairman of the regional training sector, and former director of the water management research institute of the Ministry of water resources and irrigation of Egypt


Dr. Hesham Mostafa is a prolific professional in the field of Irrigation and Drainage, water management, capacity development and building in all water resources fields and large experience for Nile basin initiative.


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Dr. Shavkat Khamraev, Uzbekistan


Dr. Shavkat Khamraev, Uzbekistan, graduated with honors from Tashkent Institute of Engineers of Inigation and Agricultural Mechanization in 1986 and received a degree in hydraulic engineering. After graduation, he worked at the Central Asian Research Institute for Irrigation (SANIIRI), where he was engaged in scientific activities aimed at the development of water management. His research focused on improving the efficiency and rational use of water in agriculture. In 1995, he defended his thesis and became a candidate of agricultural sciences. In addition to scientific activities, Sh. Khamrayev has thirty years of practical experience.


Sh. Khamrayev has been continuously leading the republic's water industry for more than 14 years. As Minister of Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he has done tremendous work on the development of the country's complex water management and achieved concrete positive results in the management and use of water, improving the ameliorative condition of irrigated land, building and modernizing large canals, pumping stations and water reservoirs, and introducing water-saving irrigation technologies. and etc. Shavkat Khamraev has been working as Chairman of the Uzbekistan National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (UzNCID) since 2005.


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Secretary General (2018-2020)
Secretary General Pandya

Er. A. B. Pandya, India


Er. Ashwin B. Pandya (born in 1955), an alumnus of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi, he did his M.Tech in Structural Engineering (1983). Er. Pandya has over 40 years of professional experience in water resources and irrigation planning, design, implementation, and financing. He has a sound knowledge of various aspects of irrigation and drainage engineering with a strong competence of leveraging technologies in core areas, especially Information Technology. He specialises in the dam design and related activities. He has over twenty technical publications in his credit.

Er. Pandya began his career with the Central Water Commission (CWC) in 1977 as Assistant Director and later served as its Chairman. In his professional career, he occupied top positions in various Government of India (GoI) offices under the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR), including Director General, National Water Development Agency (NWDA) and Chairman & Managing Director, National Projects Construction Corporation (NPCC). He also served as the Vice President of ICID for the period 2014-16 and made active contribution to the various activities of the Commission.

An avid proponent of irrigation and hydropower projects, he has been a key figure behind the establishment of International flagship event ‘India Water Week’ for MoWR, which is presently in its fifth edition and also established the ‘National Conference on Dam Safety’, an annual event with assistance from World Bank funded Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP).

Formerly, Chairman, Central Water Commission (an apex body under Government of India) in New Delhi, India. He may be contacted at e-mail: sec-gen@icid.org, icid@icid.org.


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